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ALI Lift Inspection

Most automotive lift manufacturers call for an annual inspection by a certified inspector.
Don’t trust someone who isn’t ALI certified. After all, safety inspections are not about lifts but your safety.


Weco Inc. has the most Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) certified inspectors on staff in the country.
Our ALI certified inspectors can provide lift inspections for all brands of lifts.
As an addition, with our lift manufacturer certifications, we provide training and repair services as well.


Weco is dedicated to the safety of the men and women and working in your shop.
Our safety professionals will inspect your lifts and service bays using ALI and manufacturer guidelines.
They will provide the safety reports and all paperwork you need to meet compliance standards.
In most cases, they can also quote on needed adjustments or do repairs on the spot.



ALI Inspectors

Request a Lift Inspection

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